Seaside Cellars Pinot Noir 2020 750ml - Argonaut Wine & Liquor
Seaside Cellars Pinot Noir 2020 750ml
SKU: 62814

Seaside Cellars Pinot Noir 2020


Available for:
Category Red Wine
Brand Seaside Cellars
Origin New Zealand, Nelson

Staff Comments: Another Miss Sheila treasure from Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand! Essence of black raspberries and ripened strawberries. New World wine drinkers will love this and the price! Logan berries, cinnamon, white pepper, blueberries, and red currants. Smooth and soft! Have this with chicken salad sandwiches, poached pears, or Swiss fondue.

An Argonaut Select Product.

All sizes are 750ml unless otherwise stated.

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