Sparkle Donkey Reposado Tequila 750ml - Argonaut Wine & Liquor
Sparkle Donkey Reposado Tequila 750ml
SKU: 56389

Sparkle Donkey Reposado Tequila



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Available for:
Category Reposado
Brand Sparkle Donkey
Origin Mexico
Strong sweet agave and floral notes with a hint of vanilla. The rich and velvety mouth feel make it a good shooter while the naturally sweet agave comes through in a cocktail. • Made in the town of Tequila, in the heart of Jalisco, Mexico • 100% Blue Agave • Highest quality agave between 6-14 years old, harvested with a minimum of 21 brix sugar content • Piñas trimmed very close to the heart with little to no green leafy exposure eliminating any oily/waxy taste • Cooked in a traditional hornos for 36-54 hours retaining the sweet natural mellow flavors • Four times longer fermentation resulting in a more neutral final tequila flavor • Pure volcanic water used comes directly from springs of the "Volcán

All sizes are 750ml unless otherwise stated.

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