Smoke Wagon Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml - Argonaut Wine & Liquor
Smoke Wagon Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
SKU: 72294

Smoke Wagon Straight Bourbon Whiskey

Save $2.00 (6%)

Available for:
Category Bourbon
Brand Smoke Wagon
Origin United States, Nevada
Alcohol/vol 46.25%
Proof 92.50
Creamy mouthfeel with initial rich sweet notes of honey and caramel on the tip of the tongue followed by nuts, oak and pepper spice that starts on the sides of your tongue. The nuttiness and oak fade as pepper spice from the rye takes over the entirety of your pallet. Finishes with a creamy sweetness that coats followed by once again by oak and a pepper spice that lingers .

All sizes are 750ml unless otherwise stated.

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